I have an Stratocaster iefis explorer lite paired to a rdac XF. Everything is operational except the rpm. When booting up a red X is displayed over the rpm area and no rpm is shown. I have moved the rpm lead to the old EIS display and rpm is shown accurately indicating an acceptable pulse. Does anyone have an idea as to a solution?
Thank you
Iefis rpm not operational
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Please keep your posts friendly and on topic. No politics or discussions of a controversial nature not related to our favorite subject of flying and avionics. Offending posts may be removed or moderated.
Re: Iefis rpm not operational
On the RPM1 input?
Ballast OFF?
Adjust the sensitivity screw until you get a stable reading.
Ballast OFF?
Adjust the sensitivity screw until you get a stable reading.
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Re: Iefis rpm not operational
Red cross on RPM display area indicates that RDAC data is not received. Check RDAC CAN connection, and check that RPM display field is assigned to correct RDAC number