Hi, just got a Vegas ASI, but have two questions, first, the connectors for the pitot and static are 5mm max diameter, which is clearly a lot smaller than the 10mm tubing already fitted to the aircraft, as long as I use a step down connector to connect the two pipes will this make any difference?
Secondly, I would like to add a buzzer rather than a warning light to the low speed warning, has anyone been able to do that successfully?
thanks Dave
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Stepping down the diameter is fine- there is almost zero airflow in the static and pitot lines, just a change in pressure with altitude and airspeed.
So restrictions are not an issue as long as there is continuity through them.
You can add a buzzer- choose a 12V one and connect between +12V rail and the alarm output.
So restrictions are not an issue as long as there is continuity through them.
You can add a buzzer- choose a 12V one and connect between +12V rail and the alarm output.
NZ MGL dealer
NZ MGL dealer
Thanks so much for your reply Stuart, I have ordered a 100db buzzer, but not sure what you mean by a +12v rail? I am mechanically orientated not electrical, with basic knowledge of 12v could you give me some pointers, the diagram for connection shows a connection for the warning light or buzzer, ok, and one connecting to the 12v power. Any help appreciated.
Thanks again, the parts should arrive today, however one thing I am not clear on is this, the diagram for wiring shows a red positive wire for power to a buzzer, and a white lead for alarm output. The buzzer only has positive and negative wires? Clearly the red goes to power, which leave the black ground wire to the alarm output on the ASI, is my logic correct in this?
Hi, did a bench test with a 12v battery, all connected up, whole thing works great, one last question though. As per the instructions the buzzer/ light sounds as you apply power, great, however trying to replicate the low speed alarm does not work, I am trying to get it to sound at 30 knots, by blowing very gently in the pitot tube, and then slacking off to 30 knots, but no sound. Any comments please?
Vso set? Vs alarm ON?
Not sure, but there may some delay due to smoothing of the pitot pressure.
Not sure, but there may some delay due to smoothing of the pitot pressure.
NZ MGL dealer
NZ MGL dealer
I think you are confirming what I think, the alarm is on, and working as per the start up sound, I have checked the alarms are on in the menu, so the only thing left is a steady pitot pressure. I will fit to the aircraft hopefully this week, and then just waiting for a flying day. We are in the depth of winter here, cloud base of 500 feet and 80mph winds. When I have flown I will post again, thanks so much for your help and hope you have a good year.