flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

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flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

Post by DanSteinhaur »

I've just completed my installation of my V16, N16 and Razor. It's a nice straightforward set up. The CAN bus communications certainly reduces the amount of wiring that was needed for the prior B-K radio and glide slope.

However, I have a few questions:
Is it possible to not have the active frequency flash while it is breaking squelch? The flashing digits are a slight distraction. Is there a setting in the COM or other aspect of the Razor head, that I can use. It would be great if there was just a small text that said "SQ" for squelch similar to Garmin if possible.

I have my audio output connected to my audio panel. I have had to set my RX setting waaayyyyyy down to about 8% to match my other radio volume through the audio panel. My audio panel does not have individual gain settings for each channel. Shall I simply add a resistor in series with the audio output of the V16 so that I get a similar radio volume at say 60-70%?

I notice that there does not seem to be a 0% volume setting on the RX, is there a setting in the COM set up that I can use to give me zero volume?

Otherwise, great lightweight radios and system.
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Re: flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

Post by rainier »

No you cannot disable the flashing - we do that on all our systems including related displays on the EFIS if the radio is connected.
The aim was to make it visible in a way it would catch your eye without you even having to look at the radio directly - this is particularly of use if your are monitoring two frequencies - you need to know in a clear way what frequency is receiving the signal you are hearing.
It's always good to keep audio levels in terms of voltage as high as possible when running these signals over any wiring and then reducing right at the destination - that reduction (easily done via a resistive divider) then also reduces all accumulated interference picked up on the wire run.
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Re: flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

Post by rainier »

the lowest volume setting is so low you can take it as being zero...
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Re: flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

Post by DanSteinhaur »

Understood. Thank you for the reply
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Re: flashing active frequency V16 and Razor

Post by DEW »

Good question Dan
I also find the flashing distracting and wish we had a way to disable it.
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