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AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:50 am
by Tasmag
Hi all,

I suspect this may e a problem for Rainier though!

I had a PT100 temp sensor on Aux 2 that stopped working one day, couldn't get any known working PT100 to work either.

I tried an LM335 with no luck either.

Aux 1 works fine.

When I check the pull up I get the following readings, 5.7K off, 1.2K on.

Any idea what might have gone wrong?


Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:29 am
by rainier
It's got a 1.5K pullup to internal 5V.
So if you have the pullup on you should measure 5V to ground at the AUX2 terminal and zero volts with the pullup off.
That checks the connection to the terminal.
Then you go into the RDAC diagnostics on your EFIS - it shows you what it is measuring - repeat the test and look at what the RDAC is sending to the EFIS (it shows you the voltage it is measuring). If that is correct there is no hardware issue.


Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2020 7:55 am
by Tasmag
Thanks Rainier,

I'll check that and report back.


Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Tue Oct 20, 2020 8:42 am
by Tasmag
Checked the voltage today, showing 0v with Pull-up off, and 4.78v with pull-up on.

This was replicated with Aux1 after disconnecting the sensor.

I have also attached a shot of the diagnostics page.
IMG_20201020_162635_copy_1008x756.jpg (153.09 KiB) Viewed 9739 times

Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2020 7:13 am
by Tasmag
A quick update.

Bit the bullet and replaced the RDAC, fixed the issue so looks like it was a hardware issue.


Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 2:58 am
by Flingwing
Hey Tasmag, what did you do with your crook RDAC? I'd be interested in 'acquiring' it - for parts... Terry

Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 6:38 am
by Tasmag
Sitting it the drawer at the moment for exactly that reason if anything goes wrong with the current one.

Re: AUX 2 Problem

Posted: Sun Oct 15, 2023 8:11 am
by Flingwing