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V16 Power

Posted: Sun Nov 27, 2022 4:41 pm
by royerm
Hi Folks...

When power is applied, should the LED light-up?????
SHould the LED blink once a connection is established to the Razor head?????


Re: V16 Power

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 12:55 pm
by rainier
Yes it should start a flash once per second.

In case it is connected via RS232 port number 2 to a A14 or A16 intercom (audio and control digital link) and all is well it will give a double flash once per second. If there is a problem on that link (unreliable connection) it will flash rapidly.

Re: V16 Power

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 1:19 pm
by royerm
OK thank you.

I'm using a DB25 to do my wiring connection and somehow the Pin 23(gnd) on board was faulty,
the foil on the PCB board was cut/scratched so no ground. I have used Pin 22 which is interconnected. :D :D

What a relief as I thought I had scrapped the V16 somehow.