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Challenger iEFIS SNAVI.ewd file Not Installed Error

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 2:01 am
by RV9A driver
My Challenger iEFIS experiences this error at power on. States; Secondary navidata file
(SNAVI.ewd) not installed.
I don’t know how to create this file with detailed data like waypoints, heliports, etc for North America.
Can someone provide a sample I could download onto micro SD card?


Re: Challenger iEFIS SNAVI.ewd file Not Installed Error

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:50 pm
by rainier
Your EFIS has the ability to use two independent navidata databases at the same time. It will however only use waypoints/airport info from the secondary database (to avoid conflicts with overlapping airspaces).

The secondary navidata file is just a normal navidata.ewd file that you renamed as SNavi.ewd.

Most don't use this facility. It can be useful if you have a second database you want to use with a subscription product - for example you could make your own database using MGL Central that contains data on smaller fields you use often but are not in your subscription product.

Other thing you can do by simple renaming of the filename. You can have up to 26 primary and 26 secondary databases installed at the same time (only one of each is active) Navidata.ewd, Navidatb.ewd, Navidatc.ewd etc and SNavib.ewd, SNavic.ewd, etc. SNavi.ewd is the same as SNavia.ewd.

You then select which database you want active in the system by the last letter code - in your NAV functions.

Useful if you happen to circumnavigate and have different databases you need to switch between as you progress...

Re: Challenger iEFIS SNAVI.ewd file Not Installed Error

Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 1:51 pm
by rainier
No in short - if you don't want to use a secondary database - just ignore the message. It's not an error just information.


Posted: Tue Feb 16, 2021 3:57 pm
by JoshuaEmove
Yep - that is a good card - I have used one also and it worked fine. Just need to know what LPT port it is setup as for setup in Mach

Re: Challenger iEFIS SNAVI.ewd file Not Installed Error

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:09 pm
by RV9A driver

The attached error log continues to appear during power on mode and continues to repeat so unit will not operate.
I am not sure why the program is searching for the SNAVA.ewd file (which I did not request) and causes a fatal error.
Torrance reloaded the internal firmware; e a software prblem but I will try to make the fake files to see if it will go away.


Re: Challenger iEFIS SNAVI.ewd file Not Installed Error

Posted: Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:30 pm
by RV9A driver

The message does not go out but continues to repeat and unit never powers up. I have attached the screen copy of what is contained on the
internal SD card. Seems normal but EXP3.bin and MLOO are there, even though fault says they are missing.
Maybe I didn't get the software patch it needed?


Don Wiltse