Dead CR2032?

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Dead CR2032?

Post by azjoe67 »

Recently my Xtreme EMS G2 has started to forget the time when I shut it off. When I turn it on it'll say the date is something like 3406/14/14. I assumed that it was a dead CR2032, but then I read that newer units could have a rechargable battery in them. Without opening this thing up for no reason, how would I know if I have a CR2032 or rechargable?

My unit is S/N 2100925, FW 2.12, BTW.


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Re: Dead CR2032?

Post by azjoe67 »

I opened the thing up today, it was a CR2032. And it was very dead. Now I'm rather curious as to what would cause it to die that quickly and to that extent. The old battery is reading 0.07V. What would draw it down that far that fast?
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Re: Dead CR2032?

Post by bvolcko »

Do you have a “keep alive “ wire running to your efis from your battery?
iEFIS Discovery Lite
in a Xenos motor glider
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