ECB power-up problem

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ECB power-up problem

Post by andynoiseboy »

I have an MGL ECB (linked to MX1) controlling most of my electrical equipment and have a query about operation on boot up.
I've installed toggle switches with bi-colour LEDs for all 8 switching channels.

Everything seems fine except for 2 behavioural issues:
1. If any switches are set to 'ON' within 2 or 3 seconds of switching the MASTER on, the corresponding LED shows green (ON) but the actual output is not on. This is confirmed by the lack of lit LED on the ECB PCB channel output.
2. Similarly, if any switches are in the ON position when the MASTER is switched on, the switch LED shows that the output is active, but it really isn't.

In both cases if you toggle the switch off/on, the output comes to life as expected.

I can't find any firmware updates for the ECB but can't help thinking there needs to be.

Can anyone help? Anyone have one installed which behaves differently? Anyone know of any updates?

@Rainier - can you confirm that this behaviour is normal?
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