Unable to select Sandia transponder in serial routing menu

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Unable to select Sandia transponder in serial routing menu

Post by loopy »

Hi. I am unable to select the Sandia transponder in the serial port routing / allocations menu (Menu / System setup menu / Serial port routing/allocations) in my G2 system. This problem occurs both in the airplane and in the simulator software. Ive downloaded the current sim on to different computers, so it seems like it is a software issue. There are no problems with the G3 sim. In the G2 sim the selectable items in the dropdown menu are all doubled up, but most can be selected if you hit the second of the two doubles. This is not the case for the Sandia transponder.
Many thanks for your help.
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Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:57 am

Re: Unable to select Sandia transponder in serial routing menu

Post by loopy »

OK so I'm answering my own question. I've managed to sort out a bodgy fix to the above problem that works. Hopefully it will be sorted out more professionally in future releases of the G2 firmware. The simulator was invaluable for allowing me to nut this out. For the benefit of others I will detail the process below in both short version and long version.

Short version: Download an older version of the simulator on your computer. Select Sandia transponder in the serial port routing/allocation. Export the setup.dat file. Copy this file from your computer to a sd card. Transfer sd card into plane IEFIS. Load setup.dat file into IEFIS. Simples.

Long version:
On Plane EFIS: Insert SD card in to slot. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>export setup to sd card. This puts a setup.dat file on to the SD card. Move the sd card to your computer.
On Computer: Download an older version of the simulator from "http://www.mglavionics.co.za/iefisg2prev.html" [dont include the ""]. I used the version as it was the most recent available. Hopefully more recent versions will be available in future. Note the location of the folder where it was installed. Copy the setup.dat file from the sd card in to the MMC folder where the simulator was downloaded [search around you will find it]. Start the simulator. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>load setup from sd card (setup.dat). Simples. Confirm it is all now working. Don't forget to setup the transponder in transponder settings and equipment enables.

Happy days.
Posts: 4
Joined: Sun Dec 13, 2020 6:57 am

Re: Unable to select Sandia transponder in serial routing menu

Post by loopy »

Two things. I omitted some steps in the long version of the original reply - the correct version is hopefully below. I have been informed that it is possible to hardware upgrade from G2 to G3 via local MGL retailer.

Short version: Download an older version of the simulator on your computer. Select Sandia transponder in the serial port routing/allocation. Export the setup.dat file. Copy this file from your computer to a sd card. Transfer sd card into plane IEFIS. Load setup.dat file into IEFIS. Simples.

Long version:
On Plane EFIS: Insert SD card in to slot. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>export setup to sd card. This puts a setup.dat file on to the SD card and saves all your settings. Move the sd card to your computer.
On Computer: Download an older version of the simulator from "http://www.mglavionics.co.za/iefisg2prev.html" [dont include the ""]. I used the version as it was the most recent available. Hopefully more recent versions will be available in future. Note the location of the folder where it was installed. Copy the setup.dat file from the sd card in to the MMC folder where the simulator was downloaded [search around you will find it]. Delete the setup.dat file from the sd card. Start the simulator. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>load setup from sd card (setup.dat). Go to Menu>system setup menu>serial port routing / allocation. Select a serial port (eg number 4) and select Sandia transponder from the menu. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>export setup to sd card. Copy the setup.dat file that is now in the MMC folder of the simulator on to the sd card at the entry (root) level. Move sd card to plane iEFIS.
On Plane EFIS: Insert sd card into slot. Power up iEFIS. Go to Menu>system setup menu>system basic setup functions>load setup from sd card (setup.dat). Confirm it is all now working. Don't forget to setup the transponder in transponder settings and equipment enables.
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