EFIS LITE with AoA display.

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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by Pete2512 »

Thanks Glen

May need to come back for advice or location of documents for calibrating AoA in the Lite .
Just getting the components ordered first.
thanks again.
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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by gd5362 »

AOA sound worked great!
Thanks much Paul!
Glenn Davis
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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by Tasmag »

Thanks Paul for the sound file, as it turns out it was the same as the one I was using, your efforts are much appreciated though.

A couple of quick questions for the brains trust,

1. Has anyone managed to get the AOA audio switch to work with a digital input, as soon as I choose it as the option I get no AOA sound, no matter what I do with the switch input.

2. And do all digital inputs have to be momentary switches, or can you use a latching switch as a visual check of the state? I.e. switch up- sound on, switch down-sound off

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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by Pete2512 »

I now have the Dynon AoA probe and a Extender module. Dynon AoA probe fitted to wing today. .
Could you just verify I am correct in my connections?
I have the pitot line from the Dynon probe "T" eed in with my normal pitot line.Just a simple T. as I run a backup ASI as well as the EFIS Lite.
The AoA line from the Dynon probe going to AoA port on my EFIS extender
The Static line of my aircraft now "T" eed in and running to the Vacumn port of the EFIS Extender module close to the AoA port.. I hate those small ports!

I assume in the air I can enable the AoA and go for calibration. Any info on this and your ideas on calibration etc would be welcome.
I'm hoping to test tomorrow.

Thanks for any info/help on this.
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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by gd5362 »

Hi Pete,
Here are the notes I assembled from various MGL sources regarding the connections.

"With the Dynon probe you will use the Dynon's straight pitot connected to the ASI sensor at the back of the EFIS (the pitot connection).

The Dynon angled pitot (the AOA) plugs into the extender pressure port. The V ports of both EFIS and extender should be joined via a T to your static port.

The EFIS should be selected to single port AOA and off you go for your calibration flight... "

I did this a few months ago but I think this sequence is right and of course you do need to know your stall speed beforehand.
1 In the System Setup menu scroll until you see " enable AOA calibration"
2 Once you select this the screen will disappear and you will need to go to the System Setup Menu again and scroll until you see the prompts( 3 of
them) to start the AOA calibration.
3 Choices I believe are Cruise AOA, Warning AOA and Stall AOA.
4. Once you reach the desired speed for each you press accept.
5 I thought the logical approach was to go from Cruise to Warning and finish with Stall
6. After you finish all 3 select the "Accept Calibration" and you are ready to try it out

I can't remember where but there is a place to enable AOA audible warnings that you will need to enable to hear the sounds. The AOA sounds are heard even if you have other audible warnings turned off.

Mine worked very well but I am going to re-adjust my warning setting.
After you do it the first time It'll make sense,it's pretty easy to do....

Good Luck!

Glenn Davis
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Re: EFIS LITE with AoA display.

Post by Pete2512 »

Thanks Glen
Just what I needed.
I am due to test it today and your notes will be a great help.
At least I have the plumbing correct.

All the best
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