Incorrect Plates loading

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Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:56 pm

Incorrect Plates loading

Post by CarlBeek »

I'm running the PocketFMS plates on my Explorer iEFIS, but it seems to always load the incorrect plate. When selecting a plate by the IACO identifier or via the Nav menu, an incorrect plate is loaded. It seems to always load the airport diagram (as opposed to the VFR procedures plate or whatever else I select) irrespective of which plate I choose to display. The plate that is displayed is sometimes for the wrong airport too.
Posts: 8
Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:56 pm

Re: Incorrect Plates loading

Post by CarlBeek »

Digging through the plates xml, it seems as though the data is well formed. There is a 1-to-1 mapping between entries in the xml file and .mgp files and the paths to the mgp files seem to match what is described in the xml.

An excerpt from the xml file:

Code: Select all

<PFMSPlateItem AirfieldID="EHRD" PlateType="VAC" PlateDescription="Visual Approach 18JUN2020" Filename="eh/eh-ad-2.ehrd-vac-1-001.mgp" />
<PFMSPlateItem AirfieldID="EHRD" PlateType="VAC" PlateDescription="VFR Training Circuits 23MAY2019" Filename="eh/eh-ad-2.ehrd-vac-3-001.mgp" />
<PFMSPlateItem AirfieldID="EHRD" PlateType="VAC" PlateDescription="VFR Traffic Circuits 23MAY2019" Filename="eh/eh-ad-2.ehrd-vac-2-001.mgp" />
<PFMSPlateItem AirfieldID="EHRD" PlateType="APD" PlateDescription="Parking 10SEP2020" Filename="eh/eh-ad-2.ehrd-apdc-001.mgp" />
<PFMSPlateItem AirfieldID="EHRD" PlateType="APD" PlateDescription="Aerodrome Chart 17JUN2021" Filename="eh/eh-ad-2.ehrd-adc-001.mgp" />
Anyone have ideas as to what is happening here?
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