New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

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New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

Post by hpmicrowave »

I have processed and updated the USA EFIS Maps for 2020 (charts current to Mid Sept 2020 only). These maps includes integrated Terminal, Sectional and USA VFR Wall Planning charts for the continental USA, Caribbean, and a little bit of southern Canada.

As always these charts are for general reference only (I only update these once a year) and pilots must carry current charts for FAR compliance.

You can download the maps from my Google Drive File folder at ... sp=sharing

You can see the USA KeyMaster Coverage Graphic at

Image ... sp=sharing

Let me know if you find any errors or any Map Making recommendations!!

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Re: New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

Post by Live2Fly »

Hi @hpmicrowave
I have downloaded your maps - they look identically good as maps provided on the Michigan Avionics site.
Did you ever built a Navidata.ewd with US and Canadian data combined?
Do you have a special way/sequence of actions to put it together?
It feels like I have trouble compiling data together.

I followed the instruction below but do I add US frequencies separately and add full Canadian data after?:

1. Install Mgl Central
2. Follow instructions on page 10 of MGL Central.pdf

Download the latest files from the FAA
1. Faa cifp data ... /download/
2. Faa DOF ... ducts/dof/

Merge airport information (frequencies) Step 3 on page 10 of instructions
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Re: New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

Post by hpmicrowave »

I provided thr Michigan avionics folks the maps on their website. I do have some Canidian maps I put together some years ago that I think go up to about 60 degrees north? Part of these maps were made from real Canidian aeronautical sectionals but some were made from other map sources. If your interested I can find and upload those to the MGL Michigan folks also. I'm not the Navdata expert, so can't help you there.

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Re: New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

Post by Live2Fly »

Thanks for the Canadian maps
It would be lovely to have them on Michigan Avionics site, please upload.
I have a vector map I can share if you are interested
It covers US and Canada
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Re: New USA MGL EFIS Maps (Sept 2020)

Post by garyguinn »

thank you Cecil. very nice work
would it be possible to be advised when the you update this again?
thank you,
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