XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

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XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

Post by MosheRudko »

Need your help. I have purchased two units of XTreme EFIS-G3 and installed one of the two which couses the display to frequently freeze (on ground) . It happens seconds to minutes after swiched it on. I replaced and installed the second unit and it works well. The different between the two is the firmware. The frozen one has ver 3.0.7 and the "good" one has 3.0.6.
Both were installed on the same plane using the same infrastructure. Should I downgrade the firmware to 06 in order to solve the problem? From where can I download the previous vertion (3.0.6)? Any idea whether the malfunctioning is a result of the firmware version and/or, do I have to look elsewhere ?
Thank you,
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Re: XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

Post by MosheRudko »

Anybody? Wiil appreciate your advice. thanks
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Re: XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

Post by Franz »

Hi Moshe,

Please load V3.07 onto the "good" unit and lets see if it freezes (Maybe some sort of setting or installation issue). On the "frozen" unit, reload V3.07 and load default settings (This will default all settings to factory defaults).

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Re: XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

Post by MosheRudko »

Hi Franz and thanks for your help.
I was tried this but i will double check that the configuration sets to factory defualt. Do you know from where can I download the 3.0.6 in case I will have to restore the system?
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Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:44 am

Re: XTreme EFIS-G3 - frozen display

Post by Franz »

Hi Moshe,

Please load V3.10. We have identified an issue which might be causing your problem.

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