Iefis explorer freeze and com issues

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Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:15 pm

Iefis explorer freeze and com issues

Post by Diamond »

The first bug crashes and forces an efis restart: flight plan opening, selection, closing, reopening and the efis is blocked. (I believe it only does this when a raster map is displayed, not vector).

Second problem, COM control only works one way.

The frequency swich from the radio to the efis, works but not the other way around. I didn't have this problem before the update and to put ferrites (I put one at the output of the TY91 trig command box).

I have videos but was not able to upload.

Thanks for any ideas.
Posts: 31
Joined: Fri Dec 25, 2020 2:15 pm

Re: Iefis explorer freeze and com issues

Post by Diamond »

Quick Update :

I fixed the com issue by moving efis connector.

Concerning the freeze issue, here is the exact pattern, with raster and vector maps : flight plan opening, selection, closing, exit, reopening and the efis freeze.

But, when I don't click close before exit, no problem... Strange!
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Joined: Wed Mar 17, 2021 5:56 pm

Re: Iefis explorer freeze and com issues

Post by CarlBeek »

Hi Diamond,

I seem to be having a similar issue with my TY91. When you say you fixed it "by moving the efis connector", what exctly do you mean? Did you try a different port? Second question: are you using the SL40/Garmin protocol, or are you communicating via the TMAP/Trig interface and how did you configure that serial port?

I get uni-direction messages from my radio to the EFIS, but not the other way around (via RS232 on port 3 using SL40/Garmin).
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