No Traffic displayed on MX1

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No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rlb080 »

I have just installed a MGL MX1 in my aircraft. So far I'm happy except for the fact that I have not been able to get ADS-B traffic to display on it.
I'm using an uAvionix EchoUAT for my ADS-B in and out. The EchoUAT is hardwired to my Trig TT21 transponder and it is using a SkyFX for the GPS source. This leaves pin5 (com2 TX) on the EchoUAT to be wired to the MX1 serial port as an the input into the MX1.

On the serial port routing/allocation menu, I have serial port 1 setup for ADS-B GDL-90.

In the ADS-B setup menu, I have it setup for ADSB receive only (ADSB-in), ADSB RS232 Baudrate: 115200, Navworx.

I have the traffic monitoring system enabled.

All of this was done using uAvionix and MGL documentation.

Looking at the system diagnostics for the serial ports, shows activity on serial port 1. I've attached a screenshot of the diagnostics window.

I've contacted Michigan Avionics (no help at all) and uAvionix (Kurt is great but has no experience with MX1). So I'm not making much progress.

Any help would be appreciated
serial port_1.1.1_1.1.2.jpg
serial port_1.1.1_1.1.2.jpg (167.96 KiB) Viewed 7318 times
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rainier »

Check your ADSB setup menu and make sure your baudrate is set to 115200.
Tap the traffic button - that shows a list of all traffic considered. If that list is empty there is no traffic data received.

On the map menu there is a map layer for ADS-B Nexrad Wx - if you check that and wait a bit - do you see any radar overlaid on the map ? You might have to zoom to a larger coverage area.
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rlb080 »

I've attached a photo of the setup menu on the Echo app. The baudrate is set at 115200.

I've also attached a screen shot of the traffic in the area at the time that the MGL was showing no traffic. The screen shot is of the Avare app which is talking to the uAvionix over Wi-Fi. I fly under the KPHX class Bravo veil. It always has traffic. I also fly out of KCHD a Class D airspace that is heavily used by Asian countries for pilot training. This is why I need the MX1 to display traffic.
Screenshot_20210210-133458_Avare copy.jpg
Screenshot_20210210-133458_Avare copy.jpg (91.23 KiB) Viewed 7308 times
Screenshot_20210210-132722_echo.jpg (166.93 KiB) Viewed 7308 times
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rlb080 »

I've also attached screenshots of my ADS-B setup on the MX1.
20210210_133059.jpg (192.67 KiB) Viewed 7308 times
20210210_133034 copy.jpg
20210210_133034 copy.jpg (120.74 KiB) Viewed 7308 times
20210210_133002.jpg (225.69 KiB) Viewed 7308 times
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rlb080 »

Issue resolved. My MX1 came from Michigan Avionics with outdated software. This is inspite of the check sheet packaged with the unit that stated they had updated with the latest software. My unit had version 5. I updated it to version 9 and everything is working great. Four versions out of date!!!
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by brs »

Are you going to try it on version 10 which just came out?
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Re: No Traffic displayed on MX1

Post by rlb080 »

Yes, I loaded version 10 and the traffic displays now. An added benefit with 10 is that I can change the hobbs times.
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