wifi gateway --> Uavionix pingusb -->iEfis lite

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wifi gateway --> Uavionix pingusb -->iEfis lite

Post by royerm »

From my iEfis lite I have my wifi gateway connected with the extender and connecting to the pingusb.

I can send a flightplan from my Foreflight(iphone) to the iefis lite via the wifi gateway.

I was expecting getting the ADSB receiver (Pingusb) to show the traffic on my iefis?????
and I know the Pingusb is working as I can see the traffic thru an application on the iPhone.

If so is there a need for something in the setup that need to be triggered????

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Re: wifi gateway --> Uavionix pingusb -->iEfis lite

Post by rainier »

ADSB on the EFIS is always routed through a fixed wired connection from your ADS-B receiver (RS232).

The EFIS can send the ADS-B data it receives via it's RS232 connection via Wifi but it does not receive ADS-B via wifi.
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