Dig Map Map Types
Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2022 6:57 pm
My goal is to get a better understanding of digital map map products like GNC, JNC, TPC, CIB etc. I've gotten all I can from basic on-line search such as their scale and usage. But I've also come across such terms as GeoTIFF and GTC. GeoTIFF is a TIFF image file tagged with lat/long and maybe altitude. But can charts be GeoTIFF files? Also not sure what GTC is as related to GeoTIFFs. Also, is Sun shading limited to terrain maps? I would think that is so but not sure. My ultimate objective is to get a good understanding of digital map systems from an engineering POV and not a pilot.
If anyone can point me to a book or some other reference that would be appreciated.
If anyone can point me to a book or some other reference that would be appreciated.