Fixed my RDAC

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Fixed my RDAC

Post by Netconn »

After countless years of dealing with Fuel Flow reading problems I believe I finally go it solved. For anyone having an issue with Fuel Flow 1 or 2 being intermittent during flight this might be your problem. I changed Red Cubes and I changed the sensor installation over and over. Matt swapped the RDAC (many years ago) but the problem never stopped. The indication for Fuel Flow would just stop indicating for no reason, sometimes it would come back on and sometimes on and off, etc. Anyway, my RDAC 1 is on the firewall (RDAC 2 in the cockpit)(RDAC 2 never gave me a problem using FF1 & FF2). I finally had enough and took out RDAC 1 and opened it up looking for any reason it would be intermittent. I didn't find any cold joints or cracks, etc. but what I did find was the PC board that was piggy backed to the top board was way too close to each other. Solder joints just a few thousands from board to board. My conclusion was the standoffs were a bit too short and when the boards expanded from any heat the solder joints touched near the inputs of FF1 & FF2. I added about 1/16" to the standoffs put it back together and the problem has so far disappeared. Maybe this will help someone having the same or similar issues. I have a temp sensor on RDAC 1 and during flight it reads about ~140f.
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