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V16 Com radio with Vega control head external input failure

Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2021 8:47 am
by Ford
I have just installed a MGL V 16 Com radio with Vega control head, but have been unable to obtain full remote switch functionality.
A switch closure of >1 second does flip the main and standby frequency, but a short duration switch closure produces a beep, but not a standby frequency change as well.
The input is set to A1CHF as per manual and there are 5 or 6 frequencies in the internal channel memory.
Hoping someone can point out something I have missed which will make this function work correctly

Re: V16 Com radio with Vega control head external input failure

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:50 pm
by rainier
In order for a defined channel to qualify it needs to be set to a frequency other than 118.000Mhz (the default) OR it must have a name assigned (at least one character not a "space").
Channels are scanned in order and if the last channel is reached it wraps back to the first channel - it searches until it finds a channel or exhausts the list size.
Frequency is checked for validity - if not valid the entry will not be used.

This works for NAV as well as COM frequencies (depending on currently selected operating mode).