My MGL Discovery Lite system has worked flawlessly for over two years, until yesterday. Yesterday, after engine start, all of the monitored engine data had big red X's on the iEFIS Screen. X'd out data included: fuel level and flow, EGT x 6, CHT x 6, current, Oil Temp & Pressure, MAP, and RPM.
The SP6 was working since there was a magnetic compass read-out shown that was consistent with my wet compass.
I checked voltage to the RDAC and determined that it was OK, (12+ volts). The RDAC LED was flashing two beats every second or so. The RDAC output terminal labeled 5 V Out, measured 5.02 Volts to Ground. The SP 6 LED was also flashing two beats every second or so and I could find no disconnection in the Can-Buss wiring.
Is there any additional trouble shooting I can do? If not, What should I do next?
Problem with RDAC XF MAP
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Please keep your posts friendly and on topic. No politics or discussions of a controversial nature not related to our favorite subject of flying and avionics. Offending posts may be removed or moderated.
Re: Problem with RDAC XF MAP
Did you ever got it to work again??????
Just did a software update to it and i'm experiencing the same thing as you are..
Did you ever got it to work again??????
Just did a software update to it and i'm experiencing the same thing as you are..