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Pitch trim and CHT reading problem

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 5:41 pm
by just4planes
I have a iEfis LITE for a rotax 912 uls engine, some weeks ago some problems started:
1) extermely high CHT going up and down with crazy numbers going from 90 to 200, but everything in the engine was normal, no liquid coming out. The OAT at ground is between 35-40ºC and up it can reach easily 45ºC. I checked with an analog instrument and actually the CHT is ok, not as what the EFIS is reading.
2) Pitch trim indicator, also went crazy and is not indicating the proper trim position, BUT is going up and down (so electricity goes there), is just that it doesn't have the reading. When I tried to put the readings in the EFIS, the reading was 0 (tried with all the inputs, no reading in none of thems) , so was not possible to put the "pitch trim up, down, neutral" numbers. So there's electricity, but no "reading".

The question is that problems started when new landing lights were mounted, in that moment improper connection was done and as a result the iefis by itself shuted down, I turned it on again and problems started with the first flight.

- The CHT at the analog instrument is the proper one, so no faulty sensor or something from the engine.
- Now working on pitch trim connections, but as it's working I don't expect to find anything, just no reading.

So, ¿Is there any possibility that something inside the efis was damage? If so, how to check it?