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Post by clayton »

I’ve got a RDAC XF I’m using to feed engine data to a custom instrument via the RS232. I was bench checking and validating a UMA pressure sender that outputs .2-4.7volts and ran into a strange issue. When sweeping the range at about 3.68volts the ADC is sending 3040 counts but at 3.77volts it jumps to 3908. I know internally we’re limited to 3900ish counts and 4.7volts but this is it skipping from 3000 straight to 3900.

I changed to a 5k potentiometer wiping between 5v from the RDAC to the RDAC ground and reproduced the same result for OILT, OILP, FUELP, COOLANT, FUELLEVEL1, FUELLEVEL2, and CURR.
However, there is no problem with AUX1 and AUX2, they sweep the whole range 0-3900 counts at 0-4.75v with no jumps.

I’m wondering if I’m running into a hardware limitation, a software problem, or a fault in my unit.
Any help troubleshooting would be appreciated.


P.S. all dip switches we’re off in this testing.
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