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Post by Eddysrv7 »

Hi out there....can anyone help me with the best place to install anSP7 in my RV7
Space behind the instrument panel is full and I can't think of a suitable position to get the best results
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Paulienuts »

I installed mine behind the spar LH side under the floor of my RV7
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Eddysrv7 »

Hi there just wondering if you had any problems with the position....any bad readings or indications
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Paulienuts »

Nope, works fine.
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Eddysrv7 »

Hi if you could is there any chance of getting a photo of the installation..... might help me with mine
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Paulienuts »

sorry. it's closed up and I'd have to pull the floor up to access it. It is directly behind the spar, centered on the pilot position. I made a bracket for it.
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by Eddysrv7 »

Ok no worries I understand maybe give it a go
Many thanks
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Re: Sp7installation

Post by rainier »

Just a note on shelves.

We have on a number of occasions noted very bad behavior of AHRS systems - even those with very expensive gyros when mounted on shelves. Shelves tend to amplify vibration easily and this usually happens at very specific frequencies related to the physical dimensions and mass of the shelf and its mounting. I have seen this with shelves made from metal that look really well made with supports even.

If it is possible - on the ground place the back of your hand on the AHRS once mounted (or have somebody help with this) and slowly move your engine through its RPM range - can you feel vibrations (usually worse at one or more RPM settings) ? If yes - your AHRS will not be operating well and in some case can operate extremely badly.

Some may scoff at the idea - but I have seen some wooden shelf constructions in aircraft that seem to be very good in this respect.
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