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Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 12:16 am
by Murray172
I have a V16 radio that is controlled by a Razor head.

The problem it has is the screen seems to think something keeps touching it and changing radio frequencies, You can hear it bleep each time and you can see a red dot touching and changing frequency numbers! (perhaps a ghost!!!) first time it did it was taxiing around a few months ago. The next time it did it was after the first flight (in my home built Sonex) taxing back to the hanger. The second flight was fine. The third flight it did it in the air so I had to leave the pattern and sort it out. I could only get it working after cycling power and re entering the radio frequencies. It then kept working long enough to land but then started doing it again and I couldn’t announce which runway I was back tracking which caused some issues with another aircraft entering the runway I was on. Cycling the power off and on again didn't help this time so was probably just coincidence the time that it worked.

Wondering if anyone else has had this problem and how they solved it?

Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Thu Jun 22, 2023 9:19 pm
by Tasmag
I had that and fixed it by loosening off the screws holding it to the panel.

I think having then right was forcing the screen a little and giving these position touches.


Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Fri Jun 23, 2023 7:40 am
by Murray172
Thanks Mike,

I will check that out next time I'm at the hanger

Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Thu Nov 16, 2023 2:37 pm
by Mike_Tailwind
I had the same issue this morning.
I attributed it to cold weather (37F). This is the coldest I've operated the system so far. Power cycling didn't help, but once the unit was on for about 5 minutes the problem went away.
If it happens again I'll try loosening the screws.

Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2023 2:43 pm
by Mike_Tailwind
It happened again. I checked the panel mount screws, they were very loose. I snugged them up a little and the touch screen still had random presses. I cycled power and everything was OK. It seems that when the temp is below 50F this happens.

Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:11 pm
by Mike_Tailwind
The problem with random touches keeps occurring anytime the temperature is below 50F, until the unit warms up. I've returned the unit to MGL USA for warranty repair. They have had it for 3 weeks now and cannot duplicate (probably because they didn't test at low temp.) and just updated firmware and want to return the unit with a $67 charge. I don't want to accept it unless they replace the unit or replace the LCD and touchscreen. Unfortunately, no one at the repair facility will talk to me directly or return my calls.

Re: Razor head keeps changing frequencies

Posted: Wed Feb 07, 2024 11:12 pm
by Mike_Tailwind
I did just get a call from Hiram at the USA repair. He did try cooling the control head in refrigerator and then a freezer and could not duplicate. I appreciated the call back and I understand how difficult CNDs can be. He did get one failure after placing the unit in the freezer, but there was also a lot of condensation which could have contributed. After updating the firmware he could no longer get it to fail after cold soak. He is returning the unit and I will try it again.