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background noise - V16 & MX1

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:03 pm
by brs
My new install of the MX1 & V16 has gone well but I've got background noise that I'd like to eliminate.
The intercom, sidetone, & radio all sound nice and clear and the VOX seems to do a good job. However even when the VOX has the mic turned off there is this noise in the background. It's not terrible but it's not full quieting as I'd expect. Seems to be related to the MX1 screen/video processor as the noise changes as I change screens. I had thought it might be some sort of ground-loop issue (still might be) and I disconnected the Aux Audio ground. This made no difference.

Here is a short audio clip of the noise...
(180.71 KiB) Downloaded 276 times
Any ideas how to fix this?

Re: background noise - V16 & MX1

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:01 am
by rainier
You need to identify how this is getting into your headset - I assume your RX squelch is closed ? If yes then this is not coming through the receive path.
If could be ground wiring related - perhaps your EFIS and audio system (including headsets and V16) share the same ground and noise from the EFIS gets into your audio ?

Re: background noise - V16 & MX1

Posted: Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:10 pm
by brs
rainier wrote: Fri Feb 26, 2021 10:01 am...I assume your RX squelch is closed ? I...
It could be ground wiring related - perhaps your EFIS and audio system (including headsets and V16) share the same ground and noise from the EFIS gets into your audio ?
Yes, RX squelch closed.
Grounding is my suspicion as well. The Jacks are isolated from airframe, V16 is mounted on airframe but this should not be an issue. Pwr grounds come from a central bus but then do tie back into the airframe right next to the radio. Might try removing it from the airframe.

Looks like I'll have to do some experimenting. Really wish I could see an obvious wiring error and just fix that and be done with it.

I'm starting to wonder if this sort of thing could be the reason the iEFIS Extender will not connect to the MX1. It is wire right next to the V16 to the same PWR/GND points.