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N16 on non-MGL EFIS systems

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:07 pm
by rainier
This question is coming up very frequently: Can a N16 we used with another make of EFIS system ?

The answer is YES. Provided the EFIS understands the SL30 or GNC255 RS232 based protocols. You do need in addition a Vega or Razor control head as it is the head that interfaces to the N16 and provides the RS232 port to other EFIS systems.

You need a head anyway in these cases as you need some means to control various items on the N16 - the RS232 based protocols only cater for setting frequencies and returning the received signal information.

Only with MGL EFIS systems can you ditch the head (you can still use one if you like).

The protocol is in public domain but I think it is fairly unlikely that any other avionics companies will support it.