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Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 12:15 am
by tigerpilot43
MGL Guys,
I have a Challenger iEFIS and V16 with a Razor head. The radio works great via the Razor. However the EFIS screen shows a red X over the Com 1 in spite of my efforts to slave the EFIS control to the Razor control. The EFIS control won't tune the radio independently either. How do I get the ability to tune the radio by choice either through the Razor or by the touch screen on the EFIS?
My pre-made CAN harnesses for the V16 and Razor have 3 prong Molex connectors. Am I missing a 3 prong to 2 prong harness to attach to the regular CAN system to the iBox?

Re: Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2021 1:42 pm
by adamoconnor
What connection did you make to the EFIS?

The V16 connects to the EFIS via RS-232. Do not connect the Razor head's RS-232 or the V16 to Razor CAN Bus to the EFIS.

If only the V16 is connected via RS-232, and you're sure that you have made the proper configuration selections, it is likely that you have to reverse the TX/RX wires for that RS-232 connection.

Re: Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Mon Jan 18, 2021 1:02 pm
by rainier
From a recent similar experience: Please ensure that your EFIS is using a fairly recent version of the firmware. Versions before don't have a clue how to identify a V16 as it did not yet exist !

Re: Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Sat Jan 23, 2021 1:00 am
by tigerpilot43
MGL Guys,
I found the Radio to EFIS wires in the V16 harness. I hadn't even connected them. My bad. After soldering the leads into the proper buckets on the 25 pin connector the EFIS did recognize the radio (No red X). I then selected serial port 3 for Com1,as per instructions. The problem now is that the razor will control the radio, i.e. flip frequencies on razor and EFIS displays but the EFIS when tapped will not flip frequencies in the EFIS or razor display. Why? I have a Challenger EFIS and a V1 iBox.

Re: Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2021 4:18 pm
by adamoconnor
Did you enable COM1 in the equipment enables menu?

Re: Red X on V16 Com 1

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2021 7:39 pm
by tigerpilot43
MGL Guys,
I found my problem. From your MGL V16 Com Radio Connection to iBox (iEFIS system) the wiring diagram shows the 5 &6 pins on the radio going straight into the 7 &8 pins on the iBox. I soldered the loose RX and TX wires from the radio harness into the 5th & 6th pin buckets on the BN25 connector. That was wrong. Only after studying the markings on the RS232 on the iBox did I comprehend the progression of TX/RX/G each numbered for their serial port allocation. I re-soldered the RX and TX wires to the 7th & 8th pin buckets on the BN25 connector. A test of the system now allows me to change freqs from the Razor or by tapping the EFIS screen.
I can see where someone who doesn't buy a premade harness would need to know the pin-out numbers on the V16, but it sure confused me on the one BN connector I had to solder-up. Now, if I can get answers to my temp probe problems I'll really be cooking with gas!
P-40 Pete