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Frequency Transfer form Voyager EFIS to V10

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:46 am
by JimJab
Hi All,

My Voyager EFIS's are connected to the V10's and I can select a coms frequency on my EFIS and it is transfer to the active frequency of my V10.

I thought I had seen or read some where that you can change where the frequency is entered into the V10, either into the Active or standby frequency.

For the life of me, I can't find where you can do this, can anyone head me in the right direction or let me know that it's not possible, I will stop looking.

Thanks for any help.


Re: Frequency Transfer form Voyager EFIS to V10

Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2020 1:00 pm
by JimJab
Hi All,

I found the answer to my question, I don't know how I could have missed this, but I did.

It's possible to change where the Voyager will transfers the frequency to in the V10 or V6, Active or Standby. I was sure Rainier would have programmed this feature in.

So in the Voyager Menu System, go to Menu Level 2 > System Setup > System Operation Setup > Scroll through to the Last Menu Page > Select Frequencies to either Standby or Active.

I hope this help someone next time they are looking for this information, most likely me. :lol:


Re: Frequency Transfer form Voyager EFIS to V10

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 2:04 am
by Bill Hertzel
Sometimes we just miss the easiest option.
The Bottom Right Button is labeled ROTate.
Push it until the Radio Knobs appear on the Right Side.
There are direct entry Volume and Squelch knobs and also direct entry VHF Active and STBY Freq knobs.
Here you can change the Active or STBY Frequencies independently.
Rotate for Khz... Push and Rotate for Mhz.

Re: Frequency Transfer form Voyager EFIS to V10

Posted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 3:14 am
by JimJab
Oh, yes Bill, those knobs do the radio frequency as well.
I set those two knobs for the Heading and Alt some time back and have not changed their configuration since and had forgotten about them controlling the radio frequency.

Thanks Bill, I will look at that, as a way for what I am trying to do.
