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V6 remote frequency Set

Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2024 4:41 pm
by eclee
I have an EFIS that can set radio frequency only, using the Garmin SL30 protocol. I have read the V6 manual thoroughly but cant find any specifics on how to set this up. I read things about needing a remote head??? Can I simply set up the efis to send the SL30 on one of its RS232 outputs? Is the baud rate 9600 for the V6.

Re: V6 remote frequency Set

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 2:14 pm
by eclee
Well, I tried hooking the radio up to test with my efis and set the efis to SL40 protocol, 8 bits, 1 stop bit, no parity,9600 baud and connected efis RX to Port 1 Tx on the V6 and efis TX to Port 1 RX on the V6. No joy. I then set the efis to SL30 protocol and no joy. Anyone have any ideas?

Re: V6 remote frequency Set

Posted: Fri Feb 16, 2024 3:36 pm
by eclee
A friend of mine has an aircraft with a Dynon EFIS (mine is not Dynon) and his EFIS is sending frequencies to his V6 radio. Dynon has a description in a 3rd party item manual that describes how to connected it (mine is connected the same) using the SL30 protocol. So I know the V6 should be able to work. Does the V6 has to have a newer version on software installed perhaps?

Re: V6 remote frequency Set

Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2024 8:33 am
by rainier
If it's one of our EFIS systems select the MGL radio in your serial port routing and setup menu and if it is an iEFIS also enable COM1 in the equipment enables setup menu.

If you need to select the SL40 protocol you can do that from the same menu. SL30 is NAVCOM. But it will work for COM as well.

Note that the V6 will receive the frequency updates from the Garmin protocol but it does NOT send the current frequencies using the Garmin protocol. That means your EFIS does not see a Garmin radio connected.

Note that the V6 must be set to main&standby mode to be able to receive the Garmin protocol.

If you have one of our EFIS systems please use the MGL radio as selection - then it is full feature.