Two! second press and release for dual watch V16 Vega

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Two! second press and release for dual watch V16 Vega

Post by paulvs »

I use dual watch frequencies a lot and the function is very useful. I turn on and off the dual watch by pressing and holding for 2 seconds the right knob on the Vega. Problem is that sometimes I release the button too early and it does not seem as if there is any way to tell if the Vega has registered the press-and-hold, or is there some way to tell? Something like a flash on the display, or an audible bleep would be good. Is this an easy firmware enhancement?

There is also another gotcha with pressing the right button for the correct amount of time, it seems really pernickity. Press it for too short a time and nothing happens. Press it too long and it flips to emergency 121.5! I'm struggling a bit to make it work reliably, counting one-thousand-one, one-thousand-two. Could the designer please help? I realise it's a lot to ask of a radio with only two knobs, when the norm seems to be a discrete button for Dual Watch scan.
Building Vans RV-6A and flying Aeroprakt A-22 with V16/Vega. Still thinking about avionics for the RV.
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Joined: Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:25 am
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Re: Two! second press and release for dual watch V16 Vega

Post by paulvs »

Have waited quite a while and got no response. Tried emailing MGL directly and no response. Called my local dealer multiple times and no response. I give up!
Building Vans RV-6A and flying Aeroprakt A-22 with V16/Vega. Still thinking about avionics for the RV.
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