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INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2022 5:08 am
by LauraJ
I just bought an INFO-1 display, and was testing it on the bench when I noticed that the rotary encoder is skipping main display pages, registering two page clicks per click of the encoder, but only sometimes. It reliably registers one flight log entry per click in the flight log display, which suggests that the switch itself is fine, but the software reading it is misbehaving in the main display section of the code. It also seemed a little questionable moving around the menu pages, but I didn't explore extensively once I figured out it was a firmware problem. I noticed that if I turned it a smaller rotation than a full click, I could see each page, but that's not a viable workaround when I'm thousands of feet in the air in an open cockpit biplane.

I have v1.15 of the firmware loaded, and see that v1.14 is the most recent version available for download. Would it make sense to downgrade to 1.14? I don't know what changed in 1.15, since it's not listed in the changelog. If it's like flashing an STM32 dev board, I think I have the tools to flash new firmware, but if it requires the particular flasher tool (which I strongly suspect is Windows-only) I'm out of luck.

Anyone have thoughts on this? I know Franz has replied to other threads, so I'm hopeful he'll see this and might be able to help.

Re: INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Sun Oct 16, 2022 6:17 pm
by Franz
Hi Laura

Yes, we have addressed the issue you described in a later firmware version. You can update the INFO-1 using the IFFU programming utility but I am afraid it is windows based. Let me know if you require anything else.


Version 1.17 16/08/2022
Enhancement: Added a 30 second delay (debounce) to the flight timer digital input to recognize start/stop of flights

Version 1.16 10/08/2022
Enhancement: Improved the rotating/selection of the main display screen

Re: INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Mon Oct 17, 2022 5:10 am
by LauraJ
Great, thanks! How can I get access to those firmware images?

Re: INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Sat Nov 12, 2022 6:01 pm
by LauraJ
Ok, I have the firmware from Michigan, where can I find the IFFU loading utility? Do they have that as well? The tech I spoke to didn't seem to know where it could be found.

Re: INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:32 am
by Franz
It can be found in the firmware .zip file here ...

Re: INFO-1 rotary encoder skipping pages

Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2022 6:42 pm
by LauraJ
Thank you so much, Franz. I got the new firmware uploaded, all looks good. I appreciate your help.