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EMS-1 with RDAC XF

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 5:48 am
by N91SX

I've installed a Vega EMS-1 with RDAC XF unit. Everything except fuel level is working perfectly.

I have a Princeton capacitance probe supplied by Sonex and I've been attempting to program it into analog position #4 in the EMS. I tried hooking it up to Aux2 first per the instructions for the sequence of analog pick ups with no luck. I then hooked it up to FL1 with no luck. I was concerned it was broken but then I tried FL2, and voila, it worked. The resistance numbers are higher than anticipated, but they are linear.

Is this the preferred configuration? or am I doing something wrong? It seems to me that FL2 is not the correct pick up for a single tank in this configuration. I would hate to find out that I have made a critical mistake with fuel measurements for obvious reasons.

Any guidance would be appreciated.



Re: EMS-1 with RDAC XF

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 1:05 pm
by rainier
There is no real difference between FL1 and FL2 - check your pullup dipswitches. They would normally be "off" for a voltage output based sender.

Re: EMS-1 with RDAC XF

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:19 am
by N91SX
Thanks for the reply.

I'm assuming then FL1 or FL2 is the appropriate input to use in this set up (EMS-1 + RDAC) as opposed to aux2?

On further examination the FL1 dip switch was every so slightly dislodged. I pushed it into position and will re try it.

