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BLAZE SW Update problems

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 11:14 am
by rich
Hello !

I'm trying to upgrade my BLAZE gauges to the latest SW revision (EMS-2 1.12->1.24 ASV-2 V1.10 -> 1.16).
Unfortunately I cannot even make the connection work -

I'm using the tool provided (IFFU) in the download from your website as well as a FTDI based USB2serial adaptor.
I have triple checked:
- wiring -> OK
- setting of the FTDI chip (inverted vs non-inverted RxD, TxD signals)
- tried the ST programming SW to connect (as outlined on the home page of michiganavionics) - Error message: - unrecognized device or not in boot mode ...

Looks like I have a blind spot ....
Any additional help, hints, guidance are highly appreciated

Thank you!

Re: BLAZE SW Update problems

Posted: Wed Nov 15, 2023 1:18 pm
by rainier
After you started the upgrade utility and selected the correct COM port (verify that in your Windows Device manager) - are you holding down the F2/Down key while powering up the Blaze ? This is needed to force the Blaze into the update mode.

Your RS232 converter - do you have a RS232 driver between your chip and Blaze or are you just using the naked chip ? You need proper RS232 signals - you can't use a naked chip without a driver.
Many of the boards with that chip on you buy without a RS232 driver. For example those from Sparkfun which are popular.
Finally - connecting RS232 signals without a driver to that chip can damaged it.

Re: BLAZE SW Update problems

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:26 am
by rich
Thank you for the reply.
I was able to perform the upgrade.
There was an issue with the config of the FTDI chip of my RS232 adapter (inverted vs non inverted signals)...