INFO1 g limits

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Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:23 am

INFO1 g limits

Post by AkiSuokas »

Of the g measurements

Selected first suitable scale +10 g / -8 g

setting NEG HIGH limit to -9 g. I assumed that the red limit should be set in analog scale to -9 g.

This does not happen, the red limit stays in -3 g!

tested this by setting NEG HIGH with small steps and it looks like, that -6 g is the highest value which can be set so that it shows also in the analog display.

Why is this so? Or is there some other value, which can be adjusted to move that red line to higher negative value.

Aki, MGL dealer in Finland
Posts: 39
Joined: Fri Oct 02, 2020 9:44 am

Re: INFO1 g limits

Post by Franz »

Hi Aki,

Yes, the +10G/-8G alarm lower limit is max -6G. I will change it in a future software release to -8G.

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Oct 21, 2020 5:23 am

Re: INFO1 g limits

Post by AkiSuokas »

thanks, waiting for it.

This aerobatic aeroplane g-limits are +/- 10 g . It would be nice to have that fully supported.
This would be a wonder intrument for all aerobatic aeroplanes, if scale allows that.
So that -6g is far too little. It looks that the instrument has measuring range to +/-16 g.
For real aerobatic aircraft users, consider also increase the scale values to allow that Neg High value.
Also Caution limits should be higher, and cycle threshold values.

Aki, MGL dealer in Finland
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