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iEFIS pulse signal as alarm input

Posted: Tue Oct 03, 2023 8:08 pm
by johan
I am preparing the installation of MGL avionics and had the idea to connect some alarm signals as analog inputs so that they will be displayed at the screen with a good name/description and drive an external alarm led.

One of the things I planned to connect is my Rotax 914 TCU warning + error wires. They are normally wired to a lamp, but instead I want to connect them as annalog inputs with the alarm option enabled.

However while going through the TCU manual, it appears the warning signal of the TCU is a blinking signal. Because I don't have the avionics installed yet, I tried to set this up in the simulator, but in the simulator the alarm seems to be cleared from the moment the signal goes low. It also appears that when manually switching between high/low in the simulator, the warning isn't always picked up but that might because of the simulator.

So perhaps this is not such a good idea after all, but does anybody perhaps know if there a solution to this ? Some sort of delay or delay setting when an alarm is cleared for example, or perhaps an hardware solution? I am also curious if other people have similar setups or ideas that they want to share.

Thank you in advance,
