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iEFIS update broke SP-12 comms?

Posted: Thu Jul 20, 2023 5:06 am
by noel_wade
All –
Has anyone had problems with the latest iEFIS G3 update?

I was preparing to leave for Oshkosh tonight, and applied the latest G3 update to my Discovery Lite unit (yes, in hindsight that was a blunder). The update claimed to have installed correctly, but upon reboot the unit is not receiving information from the attached SP-12. it also weirdly reset my XPDR squawk code to something like 0101 but I have since been able to use the iEFIS UI to reset my squawk code and change modes. (At least on the UI, with no warnings or negative feedback.)

When I go into the system diagnostics, it tells me that there is no SP-12 TABS GPS data received. It also says Mode S device outdated. But all of this was working fine before, through a year of preflight ground checks, and approximately 30 hours of flight testing with official transponder checks! The system has the SP-12, a trig transponder, and the MGL trig adapter (in addition to an RDAC XF MAP and an SP6 and a V6 radio).

The diagnostic light on the Trig adapter is still flashing red at the normal interval – indicating good operation I believe.

The SP-12 Diagnostic light shows a one second green, followed by five green flashes. According to the manual, this indicates that it is recognizing the iEFIS CAN bus and operating correctly with a high quality GPS lock.

I have tried downloading the latest MGL Trig firmware and TABS firmware items. Both seem to successfully get applied through the iEFIS menu. But after applying these BIN files, there is no change.

Any tips or help would be greatly appreciated! I really want to make it to Oshkosh and I’m supposed to be leaving in 12 hours…


Re: iEFIS update broke SP-12 comms?

Posted: Sat Dec 02, 2023 3:32 pm
by flyboy62000
Sorry for the late reply, but I had the same issue with version on my iEFIS Explorer G3. Rolling back firmware to version returned GPS functionality.