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Autopilot remote activation

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:24 pm
by jwaldrip
Need some help here. I have exhausted all my brain cells. I have a Challenger Efis. I have MGL autopilot. I can engage it from the Efis but not from the remote switch on the stick. I have run 12 volts through the switch to the Digital 1 input on the Ibox and set the Efis to active level is high/currently low. But nothing happens when I push the button. Can't engage or disengage remotely. I have verified that I get 12 volts to the input pin. Any ideas appreciated.

Re: Autopilot remote activation

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 11:12 am
by rainier
I assume you have selected engage straight and level for the I/O function ?
And that you can see the level change reported as currently high when you press the button ?
You can also verify the input levels in the diagnostics.

BTW I assume you have wired it to the input marked A1 ? If you used D1 - that is used for something completely different. The inputs A1 to A8 are used as either digital or analog inputs depending on how you want to use them.

Re: Autopilot remote activation

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2023 4:39 pm
by jwaldrip
Yes I do have it connected to D1. I thought that was for digital. I have a hard time deciphering the instructions. There is so many different documents to search through. This has been a uphill battle from the start. But I am making progress just not as fast as I would like. I will move my 12volt input to the A1 pin and that should fix the A/P problem. Fingers crossed. While I have your attention I have a couple of more questions. I installed a small LED light hooked up to the alarm out. The light stays on as soon as power is applied. there must be something in the settings that I'm missing. No alarms on the Efis except low voltage when I first power it up. The other problem is I have no voice out, I have it enabled and wired but I don't ever get anything.

Re: Autopilot remote activation

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2023 4:59 pm
by jwaldrip
ok I moved the 12volt in to the A1 pin and now the auto pilot engages and disengages as intended. Thanks. now for the other problems.