iEFIS Discovery Lite plus RDAC XF MAP

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iEFIS Discovery Lite plus RDAC XF MAP

Post by AkiSuokas »

Ideas what is the problem; this is what Erkki told me:

Setup is like this
iEFIS Discovery Lite - RDAC XF MAP - SP6, - SP7

I tried to modify the pages, especially the engine. I made some stupid mistake and completely lost a block of fuel (mainly fuel pressure is necessary), so I did a full boot on the tractor, and everything looked good. I also installed the Rdac update. However, there are problems with the motor values; Rdac does not recognize the sensors correctly. For example, the Rotax oil pressure sensor looks completely useless, and the correct-looking values come from the sensor of 0.5 - 4.5 volts. The oil temperature and cylinder head (cooler) give the correct values with the Westach sensor; the fuel pressure seems to recognize the correct sensor, but I think the values are too high, about 6 bar; it should be about 4 bar. Should I update Rdac again, or do you have better advice?

My setup is completely messed up, and I don't know what to do. As I said, I booted the box, and it looked good, but it didn't work as it should. I put the updates in iEfis and Rdac. Today I installed the iEfis update again. I looked into the diagnostics, and according to it, Rdac seems to be working correctly. I turned off the device and turned it on again, then the black page, as shown in the picture, opened, and there it was! The device did not recognize the sensors correctly but gave values with the wrong sensors, in my opinion, e.g. the Rotax oil pressure came with a 0.5-4.5 V sensor. Last fall, on a flight, the oil pressure jumped, and the PA pressure died right after takeoff, and the same happened this spring. I cancelled the flights and could not find anything wrong when I looked into it. Yesterday I was flying with vague engine values, and as I approached, the RPM started to oscillate up and down. Values threw several hundred rounds and calmed down after the landing.
iefislite.jpg (188.22 KiB) Viewed 14102 times
Aki, MGL dealer in Finland
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