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Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 12:11 pm
by Markdun
Has anyone got a fix for the frozen screen and endless reboot cycling?
My MX1 does this when I have ‘Traffic enabled’ in the settings and the ASI is greater than 40kts. I have a Skyecho2 connected to the MX1 via the Enginebridge wifi gateway. I have the version 16 firmware. The traffic ‘enabled’ works fine on the ground…it just goes pear shaped at 40kts and above. Made for some interesting aborted take offs and abbreviated circuits with MX1 not working. Anyway my current fix is to just disable the ‘traffic’ function which is a disappointment….I hope this is fixed, along with the AoA in the next firmware revision. Spent the rest of the day playing with the GLS landing function only to discover my threshold geo data is out by about 50metres.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 8:14 pm
by LaneRM
I encountered the reboot loop when I upgraded to the newest firmware sometime late last year. I rolled back to an older version and it worked fine after that. I don't have the wifi module, so my situation isn't exactly like yours, but I thought I'd offer up my experience.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:50 pm
by Markdun
Thanks Lane. What version firmware are you using and where did you get it? Cheers, Mark

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 12:35 am
by LaneRM
Sorry for the delayed response. I'll be at the airplane in the morning and I'll check which version I've got. I'm currently looking for the site where I got it... either MGL or Michigan Avionics had a repository of older versions. I'll get back to you on that too.

Edit: Here's v16 from Michigan Avionics, but I definitely found a page in the past that had previous versions... still looking ... x1-updates

Edit 2:

Check out this post from a while back to find older versions: ... f=3&t=6192
brs wrote: Sun Sep 25, 2022 9:51 pm If you need the older firmware you can copy the links from the firmware update page and change the version number...

For example.... MX1upd16L /MX1FW.BIN
becomes.... MX1upd10L /MX1FW.BIN

Seems to work with all the other FW files and simulator.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 8:09 am
by Markdun
Thanks again Lane. Those links don’t work anymore. Guess I’ll have to wait for version 17 which I understand is being tested at the moment. I’ll keep using the ipad for traffic for the time being.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Thu Jun 15, 2023 2:33 pm
by LaneRM

The links work but there's a space in the example. I'm running version 16 from the first Michigan Avionics link, but here's the others with no space:

The first group, which have an L appended I'm guessing are landscape. There's also a version on the site with no L, which I'm assuming is portrait.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2023 7:57 pm
by LaneRM
Well, I experienced this again today. So that’s twice in about 50 hours.

I was using version 16, and the only things I noticed prior to it happening was that my Hobbs and tach reset to zero yesterday, and prior to takeoff my magnetic heading wasn’t showing. MX1 continued to function until I was probably around 1000ft and 50kts and somewhere between 5200 and 5500 RPM.

Currently the MX1 can’t even boot up fully. I fixed this before by rolling back to previous firmware, and I’ll try to do that again in the morning. I’ll post the results tomorrow.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Fri Jul 14, 2023 1:03 pm
by LaneRM
MGL released a new update that is supposed to fix both the reboot problems and the map problem mentioned in the other thread:

Because my device was in stuck in the reboot loop, it wouldn't complete the update. I had to return it to factory defaults (hold down the rightmost key in portrait mode) and then I was able to complete the update after that. Thankfully I had saved a recent SETUP.DAT.


Unfortunately, I had the same freeze/reboot problem on the next takeoff. I thought I remembered a comment where someone said the rebooting was potentially linked to flight recording, so I got it back on the ground and did some testing.

I was able to reboot the MX1 by holding the rightmost key when powering up and selecting the option to continue booting as normal, which is the last option on the menu. This is a good thing to know because you could reboot it in flight this way.

I then went into MENU > SYSTEM SETUP > SYSTEM OPERATION SETUP and messed around with the flight detection settings. With automatic flight detect turned on, I set the min RPM to 2500 and the ASI to something low like 10 kts. The MX1 entered the freeze/reboot loop when I crossed that threshold, and I was able to recreate this a couple of times. When I changed the setting to manual flight detect, the problem went away and I then flew for an hour and made 7 TO's and L's with no issue.

I'm no expert, but I suspect the flight detection is triggering the flight logging, so one of those things is (or is linked to) the culprit. I did not attempt to start the flight manually via the action menu, but I'll try it on my next outing.

Anyway, I hope this helps somebody.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Thu Aug 24, 2023 4:16 am
by Markdun
Update. Loaded latest firmware. Still does endless reboot loop with traffic enabled. Reboot starts once airspeed reaches around 30kias. Might try fiddling with ‘flight recording’.

Re: Mx1 freezes then and endless reboot loop

Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 5:22 pm
by Steffen
I've got the same issue with the MX1.
To test you can use it on the ground with the automatic flight detect off and start flight in the Action-menu.

It is locked then.

I can unlock it with clearing the non volatile memory.

Still, it is not nice. My Discovery never had this issue.