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UI Zoom in Simulator vs actual panel
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2021 6:02 pm
by CarlBeek
TL,DR; Is there a UI zoom setting?
There seems to be a difference between the screens I design in the simulator and how they are displayed on my iEFIS panel. Specifically all the text and numbers seem a bit larger when I load my custom screens onto my EFIS so that text over-runs itself. I've searched the manuals and dug through all the settings I can find on my panel and can't find anything. Does anyone have any ideas as to why these discrepancies exist?
Re: UI Zoom in Simulator vs actual panel
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 7:58 am
by MikeBlackburn
Apologies if this is an insulting answer..... but are you sure you’re selecting the project size that matches your unit? I.e Challenger, Oddysey etc?
Re: UI Zoom in Simulator vs actual panel
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:18 am
by CarlBeek
Not insulting at all! I'm kinda expecting it to be something stupid like this.
That said, I have double checked I'm using the correct project size.
Re: UI Zoom in Simulator vs actual panel
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 8:56 am
by rainier
There can be a very small difference depending on font. In the simulator text is rendered using Windows's text functions while the EFIS does it from pre-prepared font tables.
If you find you have a large difference please check your Windows "easy read" magnification setting - make sure Windows will render fonts in original size. Windows may increase the font size but will not change the rest of the graphics so it tends to look a little odd.
Re: UI Zoom in Simulator vs actual panel
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2021 1:10 pm
by CarlBeek
I've looked the windows magnification settings, but those are disabled (fresh Windows install running the latest simulator and EFIS also recently updated). I also tried disabling display scaling in case that had an effect. Sill, I find no effect.
I can imagine that there may be small differences, but the difference seems to be rather substantial to me. Text elements on the actual EFIS appear ~150% of the size that they do in the simulator.