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Simulator Snags

Posted: Mon Jan 23, 2023 7:05 pm
by avi8tr1364
Problems with the iEFIS simulator V1.1.2.2

Not sure if I am missing something in the system setup of the simulator. I have problems with the following sensor simulations, all of these snags are actually working in the real airplane iEFIS:

- I have the standard G3 iEfis with the extender. Digital inputs 9-16 are not sensed by the "digital input status icon" in the simulator. 1-8 work fine. However, if an alarm is set it is sensed or if a function is assigned to the digital input it is performed. However, the digital input status icon for input 9-16 does not sense ON nor OFF regardless what I set in the Input/Outputs simulator. The icon is always grey I have Off color set to black an ON color to green.

- RDAC1/2 Fuel level 1 + 2 simulator do not work regardless what I set. If I go in the RDAC diagnostics menu it shows 0V for the fuel levels regardless what I set in the RDAC simulator. Fuel screen shows always 12 USG in tank.

- conditional skip item "g-force less than 1.5G" does not work in simulator. G-Force meter always shows. works fine in my airplane

Re: Simulator Snags

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 12:55 am
by JimJab

A quick post to say from my experience with the MGL Sim and it's functionality.

For our newer MGL owners, it's not a flight simulator, the main purpose of the MGL Sim is EFIS familiarisation and to test your GUI (Graphic User Interface) EFIS pages you may be designing for yourself. So the EFIS sim is good to lean about the EFIS's Button Functionality and the EFIS's Operating Menu System.

The MGL Sim has most of it common functionality working as excepted, but there is other features that don't work. With all the pressure item in the Sim, you need to adjust their values manually via the sim menu and the pop-up window. Some of these sliders may not change the gauge value without using the arrow button on that slider.

Also remember, you need to down load your EFIS's files from your plane's EFIS and install them into the correct computer folders for the Sim to be a mirror image of your plane's EFIS, otherwise you may find your EFIS pages may look different if someone has redesigned any of your plane's EFIS pages.

There is PDF files on the MGL Website where you can download information how to do this.


Re: Simulator Snags

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2023 1:08 am
by avi8tr1364
JimJab with all due respect. I do not think you understand my post. I understand how sensor simulation works in the MGL Sim.

Of course it is not a flight sim. I am using it to design screens and check their functionality.

As mentioned in my post above, sensor simulation for those items seem not to work in the simulator but the design items work when I install then into the iEFIS in my airplane.

Also, I was not talking about any pressure items but about the RDAC fuel level 1+2 and MGL extender digital sensor input simulation in the sim.

Re: Simulator Snags

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 12:27 am
by JimJab
Hi Avi8tr1364,

I guess your right, maybe I really don't understand what your Sim post is about.

But at least if anyone reads the thread they will understand about the limitation of Sim and it does have limited functionality having some very well known snags and bugs as you indicated. So this may well stop someone else from pulling their hair out when they find something is not working as expected.

The the Voyager Sim software is many many years old and as I understand is no longer under software development, so it's, what it is.
