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MX1 ASV1 Airspeed variation

Posted: Mon Dec 19, 2022 2:22 pm
by pfhoeycfi
I made my first flight in my Sonex B yesterday. Along with the MGL MX1 for airspeed, I have the MGL ASV1 as a backup, both piped correctly to the same pitot tube. They have a 10 - 15 mph difference between them, the MX1 reading higher than the ASV1. The altitudes are reading very close though. I thought I might have a small variation, not something this big. I'm not sure which is reading incorrectly, or if it's both. Any suggestions on what to look for or try?

Doylestown Pa

Re: MX1 ASV1 Airspeed variation

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2022 3:33 am
by sbeaver
Easy way to test/calibrate your ASI, pitot and static system:

Re: MX1 ASV1 Airspeed variation

Posted: Fri Dec 23, 2022 4:05 am
by brs
I recommend the 'Flight Data Viewer' and follow their method for airspeed calibration.

Re: MX1 ASV1 Airspeed variation

Posted: Sun Apr 02, 2023 8:21 am
by Markdun
Interesting. I have a similar setup with a Blaze Alt/ASI/VSI as my backup which also provides baro data to an older Mode C txpdr via rs232. VSI variation between the two instruments is no more than 1knot. ALTITUDE is pretty close too. But VSI on the MX1 is quite variable and wrong.