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Xtreme EMS - Enhancement Request

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2022 10:06 pm
by kabong
Hi there,

new to the MGA devices and purchased an Xtreme EMS for my Jabiru.

Was setting up some checklists to help me out found it all a bit frustrating.
8 char filename limits for the list
not displaying 60 chars as doco suggests

I would like to suggest the following enhancements that could be done.
1) Instead of the 8 char filename in the "list of checklists", read the first line of the file and display that.
This would give us a much better list and viewing experience to select the right list

2) fix the display (used fixed pitch font) so the 60 chars actually displays

3) Make use of the additional buttons (never used otherwise) for direct access to the checklists or info pages lists.

Thanks and appreciated