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Rotax 912 S Configuration CHT,EGT, Oilpressure, Oiltemperature and Fuelflow

Posted: Mon Feb 22, 2021 10:17 am
by christoph.glomski

I own an EFIs xtreme and RDAC XG and would now switch the sensors of the Rotax 912 S EGT, CHT, oil temperature and oil pressure from the Flydat to the RDAC and then do the configuration in the EFis. Furthermore, I have connected the fuel level transmitter and the fuel flow transmitter to an MGL-FF4 and would also connect these sensors to the RDAC.
After reading the operating instructions for EFIs and RDAC, I still have questions about the configuration. Maybe someone here in the forum already has experience and can help.

Well then let's start.

1. For the fuel flow in the FF-4, I use a 5.6 kOHm pull-up resistor. Do I have to use this resistor when connecting to the RDAC XG?

2. I'm a little confused when configuring the CHT sensors. Rotax writes that PT100 and not NTC sensors are used. Is there a difference, if so, what does the configuration look like?

3.If I understand the operating instructions correctly, the probes are set to NTC (AUX 1, AUX 2) in the CHT setup. Then the sender selection should be set to "off" in the respective AUX 1, 2 setup. But there is no such option. I always have to choose a VDO, Westach, etc. An "Off" option is not available. I need a detailed explanation.

4. Rotax writes that CHT and oil temperature sensors are the same. If I'm already using the CHT sensors for AUX 1 and 2, how should I configure the oil temperature sensor? There is no AUX 3 in the RDAC and in the EFIS menu. In the oil temperature menu there is also no option to select an NTC sensor. How should I configure the oil temperature?

I hope that someone already has experience here and can give me some advice.

Many greetings