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Trig interface LED error status

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2022 10:46 am
by andynoiseboy
I have just installed a new Trig TT21 on an MX1 via the MGL Trig CAN interface.
I was able to set it up and apparently control it via the MX1 but the LED on the interface spends most of its time showing long single flash (no response from Trig or Trig fault).
However, sometimes it will show 'all normal' flashes for a while (0.5s on/0.5s off) then revert to the long single flash after a few seconds at most. This behaviour can be sometimes prompted by changing settings (squawk code/ident etc) in the transponder control window but it seems somewhat random.

To clarify, CAN is terminated 120R both ends and has <2m total length.

Should I expect to see the 'all normal' flash sequence all the time?

Re: Trig interface LED error status

Posted: Tue Sep 27, 2022 2:14 pm
by andynoiseboy
...maybe someone on the forum has fitted one and could take a glance at their LED behaviour for me...?

Re: Trig interface LED error status

Posted: Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:45 pm
by andynoiseboy
...perhaps I should have said 'don't all shout at once'...

A firmware update on the MGL/Trig interface seems to have resolved this, just in case anyone else suffers the same.
Many thanks to Paul at parts4aircraft for pointing me to this.