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.CSV File Format Question

Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 3:50 pm
I need to use the flight recorder data to help me get data for phase 1 testing. I managed to get the data into the "MGL EFIS data recording viewer" software. Next step is to export a file to be opened in Exel. Export works, and the file format is *.csv with comma delimited values.
Now the problem. What about the decimal values? they also use a comma! Seems a different delimiter should be used, or am I missing something?

2022.08.08 16:11:08 ,206,0,17,-14,12,7461778,53,3050944,1643,0,4,0,2,69,0,66,0,0,0,0,0,2,31,0,5
2022.08.08 16:11:09 ,236,34,89,-18,12,7537889,53,3065889,5435,0,5,0,3,73,0,86,0,0,0,0,0,27,51,1,0

Re: .CSV File Format Question

Posted: Wed Aug 31, 2022 9:30 am
by rainier
decimals are taken from your systems internationalization settings - make sure it's using a "." as decimal as CSV uses a comma as field seperator.
The code is using Windows built in conversion functions to create the numbers in text format.