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XTreme EFIS/EMS Gen 1 or Gen 2?

Posted: Sun Aug 28, 2022 4:10 am
by LVC
I am currently buying an aircraft fitted in 2014 with an MGL XTreme EFIS and an MGL XTreme EMS.
Apparently there are Generation 1 and Generation 2 versions, and I understand that Gen 1 is apparently "obsolete".
Other than that, I struggle to find any information about it, so can anyone please clarify the following:
1. What are the practical differences between the two?
2. Are they based on hardware, firmware or software?
3. If based on hardware, how can you tell the difference by looking at the kit?
Many thanks,


Re: XTreme EFIS/EMS Gen 1 or Gen 2?

Posted: Tue Aug 30, 2022 8:32 pm
by Bill Hertzel
To find what firmware you are using have a look at your ...

Menu > Information System > System Status >

You should find a line similar to " iEFIS G2 version A "
Your menu tree may differ but this should get you started.