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Problems with MGL Central

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:47 am
by christoph.glomski

I am having trouble setting up MGL Central. I hope someone can answer the questions.

Lets get started:

1. I would like to convert the Sky Demon Route file (gpx format) into a format that can be understood by IEfis. The operating instructions show that this should work with the import function. When I do import the gpx file, I get a message that it has been converted to .ert file. So far so good, but this file is 0 bytes and empty. I'm desperate here, actually it's simple work to convert.

2. When I try to load the cards into MGL Central according to the operating instructions, I just don't understand a word. In particular, the ARINC424 data are simply described in too general terms. Where exactly can I find the data on the FAA / NACO website? I spent hours looking for it. Are there ARINC 424 data also for Europe? As I said, everything is described in the manual, I just need more information.

I hope that someone can help me.

Many greetings

Re: Problems with MGL Central

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 9:42 am
by rainier
Sadly GPX is not simple to convert - it gets used very differently by different vendors. MGL Central takes a few guesses depending on which fields have been defined - the only ones that are reliable are lat and long. The trouble comes into identifying the airport or other name information.
If you send me you GPX file (use the e-mail under contacts at I can have a look.
You can also do this on the EFIS itself which supports the latest known variants.

ARINC specifies a common data format for aeronautical data. It's pretty good. Usually these files can only be had via subscription from the originators.

Re: Problems with MGL Central

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2021 10:18 am
by christoph.glomski
Hello Mr. Rainier, thanks for fast replying.
I just emailed you the GPX file. For the forum I'll post the GPX text. So that the other users can also benefit from the problem solving.
With best regards

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<gpx xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:skd="" xsi:schemaLocation="" version="1.1" creator="SkyDemon for Android" xmlns="">
<name>Strausberg - Ploetzin</name>
<rtept lat="52.580180" lon="13.915080">
<skd:level type="A" value="2000" />
<rtept lat="52.470650" lon="13.447760">
<name />
<skd:level type="A" value="2000" />
<rtept lat="52.464790" lon="13.245940">
<name />
<skd:level type="A" value="2000" />
<rtept lat="52.461220" lon="13.054330">
<name />
<skd:level type="A" value="2000" />
<rtept lat="52.354440" lon="12.822500">
<extensions />

Re: Problems with MGL Central

Posted: Mon May 03, 2021 5:32 pm
by flyarv
I too wish to export Skydemon route and waypoint files to use in the MGL Xtreme. Is there any progress in achieving this? Thanks in anticipation!

Re: Problems with MGL Central

Posted: Sun Dec 19, 2021 6:31 pm
by Lcaet

I also have the same problem.
I have the MX1 and would like to install Skydemon, can someone help