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Fuel Level Alarm - Missing Enables
Posted: Sat Aug 06, 2022 4:05 am
by Bill Hertzel
I have a Text Fuel level Displayed over an Alarm Field.
Below that, there is a fuel level Bar Graph.
The Fuel Level Text reports the Correct Tank level as expected.
As the fuel level gets lower, the Bar Graph shrinks as expected, and eventually turns RED as expected.
The Fuel Level Text Data Source is : RDAC1 Fuel level 1
Fuel Bar Graph Shows : Fuel Level Tank 1
Fuel Alarm Field is Attached to : Fuel Level1, RDAC 1 Alarm
The Problem is that the Fuel Alarm Field remains GREEN under all conditions.
By the time the Bar Graph goes RED, it is only a tiny sliver and does not get your attention.
The Alarm Field Never Creates any Alarm, Visual or Audio.
The Problem is the same in the Simulator AND the Installed unit.
The unit is an iEFIS Explorer Lite.
Re: Fuel Level Alarm
Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2022 10:10 pm
by Bill Hertzel
Can anyone confirm that an ALARM FIELD attached to FUEL LEVEL1, RDAC 1 ALARM operates in their iEFIS as expected?
I need to know if there is a system problem or if it is just that I have it configured incorrectly.
I have tried deleting and rebuilding the Alarm to no avail.
Thanks, Bill.
Re: Fuel Level Alarm
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 12:13 pm
by JimJab
Hi Bill,
I realise this may not be much help to you as I don't have the same MGL EFIS model.
But my Fuel tank alarms work as they should, I had to lean how to save my new low fuel warning amount and then from memory you have to check the fuel alarm so it was turned on to work in the alarm settings.
I would also say without knowing for sure, most of the MGL EFIS model's would use a large amount of the same coding for the firmware or software, so I would think your fuel alarms should work if set correctly.
I also know some things in the sim don't work as you would expect, but work perfectly ok in your real world EFIS.
Sorry, this is not a definitive answer for you, but hopefully someone with the same IEFIS can shed further light on this for you.
Re: Fuel Level Alarm - Missing Enables
Posted: Sat Aug 20, 2022 10:15 pm
by Bill Hertzel
Thanks, Jim,
That actually helps.
It is not so much that you have a Voyager vs. my Explorer, as much as you are running G2 vs. my G3 firmware.
I have discovered that along with the Fuel Level Alarm not working, the Fuel Flow Alarm also does not work, while the Fuel Pressure Alarm Works just fine.
Comparing the Setup menus between the three instruments, They all have configurable alarm points (Alarm, Caution, Normal) but only the Fuel Pressure Alarm has the Alarm ENABLE Option where one would select "Alarm + Audio" Enabled.
It appears that the Function to ENABLE the Alarm is missing from the firmware for some instruments.
The Alarm ENABLE Option exists in all the Engine instruments which work as expected.
If you look in your G2 Menus, do you have the Alarm Enable option for Fuel Level and Flow?
It is usually the last item on the list and might be on a second menu page.
Maybe we can get Rainier's attention on this one.
Re: Fuel Level Alarm - Missing Enables
Posted: Mon Aug 29, 2022 5:35 pm
by Bill Hertzel
I just upgraded my G3 Firmware to v. hoping maybe it would help. No Such Luck.
Can anyone running G3 software on any iefis lite confirm that the Low Fuel Alarm works?
I am not asking if the Bargraph turns RED on low fuel.
I am asking if the Alarm Field above the Bargraph also turns RED and the Flashing Alarm Text box appears on the screen with the Voice announcing "Low Fuel" over the intercom
Also, have a look at the MENU > System Setup > Fuel Related > Setup RDAC1 Probes > Fuel Tank Setup >
Do you have an "ALARM Enabled+Audio" Checkbox Option?
It will likely be on a Second Menu Page.