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NMEA output from iEfis
Posted: Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:13 pm
by xzornixz
Does anyone know whether it is possible to get a NMEA TX output from an iEfis? We have a Mode S-transponder that needs gps data, and it would be very nice to hijack the GPS data from the iEfis
It should be in this format: Minimum recommended NMEA sentences are $GPRMC, $GPGGA,
$GPGSA. The required NMEA data baud rate is 4800 bps.
Re: NMEA output from iEfis
Posted: Mon Oct 12, 2020 6:53 am
by rainier
If you have an iBOX serial port number 6 is a dedicated NMEA input and output.
If you have a "Lite" you can select which port you would like to use for NMEA.
In both cases you can select the desired baudrate in the GPS setup menu.
Note: 4800 is not recommended - if possible change the baudrate on the receiving side to a higher value. 4800 simply does not allow enough bandwidth to squeeze all the messages through from a modern GPS so the system is forced to drop messages.